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These drawings were done one Saturday afternoon in June, 2011 during Songlines Magazine’s Encounters Festival at Kings Place in Kings Cross. Pencil on A5 paper. Continue reading Songlines

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Soho, September 2011

I took advantage of sunny September weather to hang out in the seedy yet strangely exotic, Soho.

There’s an energy in Soho unlike any other quarter that is generated partly by the tourists and day trippers that circulate in search of entertainment.

Not that people feature much in these drawings.

Continue reading Soho, September 2011

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General Election

parliament election 2010

The day after the 2010 General Election I went down to Parliament to see what was going on. The media had set up camp to watch the process that would eventually lead to a coalition government being formed. The green outside Parliament is an interesting place at these times with spin doctors and news anchors rubbing shoulders with the tramps and nutters that are the green’s everyday population.

Continue reading General Election