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Club Integral

Club Integral at the Grosvenor, Stockwell

Possibly the most varied, entertaining and unpredictable regular live music night that London has to offer, I heartily recommend that you get yourselves down to Club Integral.

The nights at the Grosvenor will end on July 18th, but it continues at The Others in Stoke Newington, and heres hoping they’ll find another South London venue before too long.

Many thanks to all concerned.

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Club Integral; Punters etc…..

I draw mostly during the breaks between artists at Club Integral. So, images of an empty stage; but for the gear set up to be played, and the audience/ artists having a drink and a natter during the break.

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These drawings were done one Saturday afternoon in June, 2011 during Songlines Magazine’s Encounters Festival at Kings Place in Kings Cross. Pencil on A5 paper. Continue reading Songlines