Anti-Cuts Demonstration, London, 31st June 2011 (A4)
Marching down Kingsway towards the Strand.
The corner of Kingsway & Aldwych.
There was a band playing heavy samba, I think they were from UCLA. They rocked, which helped me to get into the rhythm of the drawing. I stayed by them pretty much all the way down the Strand.
David Cameron placards.
Along the Strand. St Mary Le Strand church in the background.
The Strand provided some good backgrounds to juxtapose with the marchers.
The staff of Coutts Bank look on.
I couldn’t pass up this combination of War Hero and anti-war placard.
The Cenotaph.
Masons conspiracy theorist and Winston Churchill.
The Peoples Assemblies have evolved out of grass roots movements across Europe and by necessity in the UK due to the lack of a Labour Party.
Speeches from the back of a truck on Tothill Street.